
Shermy, The Little Shepherd Boy

My wife and I sat down to watch the holiday classic “A Charlie Brown Christmas” last night when my wife pointed something out to me. I look like Shermy from the Peanuts gang! Much can be read about Shermy (click here), but the main point from the article I was reading is, and I quote, “..Shermy’s major physical characteristic was his short, dark hair, which he usually wore in a crew cut.” Shermy must’ve grown up in Southern California with hair like that. What a guy!

Best part about all this that many Shaycam readers probably never knew. My name is Sherman! That’s right folks. Just when you thought you knew the real Shaycam, BAM!, we came at you with a whole new twist.

C’mon, what’s it supposed to feel like to look like a Peanuts character, and for that matter, have the same name? Personally, I think it feels great. Furthermore, I think Shermy’s job as a shepherd may have more meaning for my future life, but only the Lord knows that.

By Shay

A little bit, a little bit more.

4 replies on “Shermy, The Little Shepherd Boy”

I went to find the “Shay and Bethany” link but couldn’t cuz some joker changed it to be the “Bethany and me” link. Which hey, is totally cool but just threw someone like me (cough cough) off for a bit.

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