Sometimes I wonder if I’m getting too old, too fast.
Obviously, time doesn’t stop. Every second continues to tick and tick and we just continue to do our thing day in and day out. Whatever that might be. Maybe you’re a fisherman and you spends months on the open sea. Maybe you’re a contractor and you deal with major clients week in and week out and the paper work just seems endless. Maybe you simply work in an office with a boss you don’t necessarily enjoy, but you continue to put up with them because you need to provide for your family. Maybe you’re a gardener and you simply enjoy the soil and all things flowery. Or maybe you’re like me. Though my jobs seems endless and that I’ll never really know what to do in the workforce, I constantly am finding that I just keep getting older. I can’t do anything about it. I fear that maybe tomorrow I am going to wake up and be 73 years old and wonder where the time went. I want to stop the clock sometimes. Stop the world for a bit and see if I can slow down. But we can’t seem to slow down anymore. Everything is faster and more efficient than it ever was, and there’s really nothing that can be done on the whole.
It’s at this point that I really look to Jonathan Edwards for some insight. On July 8, 1723 Jonathan wrote, “I frequently hear persons in old age, say how they would live, if they were to live their lives over again: Resolved, that I will live just so as I can think I shall wish I had done, supposing I live to old age.” He had the proper mindset. He heard the words of those that had lived their lives before him and took it to heart. How many times do I not hear that? I overlook it. This is becoming a problem. Maybe it’s not a problem for, but for me I find that I don’t hear the warnings of others all the time. Well, I’ve been warned.
Right now I’m 22 and I feel old, or at least I’m growing up too fast. Here’s one to growing up.
It’s at this point that I really look to Jonathan Edwards for some insight. On July 8, 1723 Jonathan wrote, “I frequently hear persons in old age, say how they would live, if they were to live their lives over again: Resolved, that I will live just so as I can think I shall wish I had done, supposing I live to old age.” He had the proper mindset. He heard the words of those that had lived their lives before him and took it to heart. How many times do I not hear that? I overlook it. This is becoming a problem. Maybe it’s not a problem for, but for me I find that I don’t hear the warnings of others all the time. Well, I’ve been warned.
Right now I’m 22 and I feel old, or at least I’m growing up too fast. Here’s one to growing up.
One reply on “22 And Feeling Old”
you feel old. Heck, I’m 24 and I have a back like an 80 year old…Maybe not that bad. Actually it’s not reallyt bad at all, it just hurts when I pick things up wrong. Anyway. Getting older is cool cause it means we are one years or one day closer to metting the Lord. Peace in the hood - Mumma