In the past week and days I have been overwhelmed by friends and family who have responded to my last blog. Whether it be a phone calls, emails, or comments everyone has felt the need to contact my wife because they just wanted to make sure I am doing OK. First, thanks everyone who has talked to me or just encouraged me in the past few weeks, it’s a huge blessing. Secondly, I feel the need to be clear with those of you who read my blog and either know me or don’t know me.
As a Christian, I am called to trust the Lord in any circumstance. For now, the circumstance that I am needing to trust the Lord in is my job. I have been without full-time work for a few months now and it’s starting to wear on me a bit. But please understand that though sometimes I write (blogs) because I feel the need to share what’s on my mind, it doesn’t mean that I am not trusting my Savior for my strength. I guess you can say that I am a pessimist. I don’t always see the the greener grass on the other side of the hill. Thankfully, I married someone who is the biggest optimist I think I’ve ever met. My wife sees the best in circumstances and people, and I believe that the Lord has designed us with such a balance for a reason. God knew that I would probably be down all the time if I didn’t have an encouraging and loving wife. So for that, I am blessed.
At the end of the day, I am still learning. I’m still learning how to trust the Lord for everything in my life, especially my job. My conclusion is that we are always in a state of learning. No graduation from any schooling is the end of learning by any means. As one of my professors said at college “.. I know you are probably going to learn more in those dorms than you will in any of these classrooms for the time you are here at college..” I agree. And now that has translated into my life outside of traditional schooling. I am continuing to learn more about how I am to live this life each and every day.
Thanks again to everyone who has encouraged both Bethany and I. We would encourage you to continue to pray that the Lord will grow us to be more like Himself. That we would trust him in all circumstances. And that, maybe, just maybe… I would be able to find a job soon… in His timing.
2 replies on “A Response”
Love the post. Bethany is truly one of the most encouraging people I have ever met. I value her friendship for that reason. My one question involves why Bob Big Boy is the photo related to this particular post.
Man, I was beat to the punch on praising your wife! ;) You two are a perfect match, of course by His design! We know that God will keep providing for you and we know that you trust in Him! He is going to bring just the right job or jobs for you! It’s refinement, waiting on Him and it is good for us, just like you said.
I think the Bob’s Big Boy was your place of inspiration for the post! Bob’s always inspires us! Well, and Starbucks of course!
Love You Both!
(Phew at least this one didn’t delete)