
March 6th, 2003 12:15PM


Chesed, Megan, Jason, Geoff, Justin, Skyler, Bethany, Christian, Heather, Chris, Jason L., Abi, Jenny, Hillary, Jason S., Allison, Christina, Jessica T., Jessica W., Amy S., Amy F., and myself.

Please pray for us as we seek to obey God’s Word in the sharing of Gospel on the streets of New York. We will be there all of spring break this next week from March 8th - March 15th!

God Bless!



March 2nd, 2003 5:11PM

Alright, so here’s what happened to me the last 2 weeks:

On valentines day I asked this girl to go to dinner with, and by God’s grace she said yes. Interesting, I know. So, we went out and we really enjoyed ourselves. That was a Friday night. Sunday I found myself taking this girl to church with me cause she needed a ride. And I just happen to have my Jetta! (hehe) so I took her. This girl is cool, really cool..

hhhmmm.. so then, uh?.. I started hanging out with this girl a lot more in the past 2 weeks, and I realized that she’s amazing. Some might say that this thing kind of moved fast, but I would have to disagree, I think it moved at the perfect speed. At the speed at which God wanted. But you know what was cool?.. I was talking to my friend Tristan and we were talking about her and I said something about her being “My She”… well that plays in to this a little bit. Yesterday (3-1-03).. I asked this girl if she wanted to go to Jamba Juice and get some Smoothies, what she didn’t know was that I was going to the flower shop to get some daisies and then take her to the lake to ask her to be “my she.” Well, to make a long story short, I took her to Castaic lake, and then asked her to be my she, of which she answered “…I want to be your she..”. Of course I was the most happy person ever!!!!!! I felt good about it… really good. So, now I have this girl in my life.. and she’s rockin’! :) So you can see her to your right. >>>> she’s there!! ok.. uh?. HI BETHANY’S PARENTS!! and lil’ bro and lil’ sis! heheheehe.. ok bye for reals.



February 17th, 2003 12:13AM

So, this week I got sick. Yeah, it was dumb. I couldn’t freakin’ get better, so I had to drive myself like 40 minutes away and go to the doctors. Then I had to wait and the drug store for 30 minutes to get the drugs I needed. oh man, not good. But this medicine gives me the worst stomach ache, I just can’t stand it, but enough about that. And yes, that says, “Sherman Jr.” on the picture. Just to let you know.

Soo.. Valentines Day this week? Did anyone have any plans? Cause I sure did. I had a hot date. It’s true, just ask me, I’ll tell you about it. I took this really cool girl named Bethany out to dinner and then we went and hung out in Santa Monica for awhile! It was a ton of fun! But seriously, get this! She full on made me a CD! It’s got some rockin’ tracks on it! Geeze! It’s great. Everything from Elton John to Foo Fighters! Oh man, you kids would love it. But, she’s a really cool girl. Thanks Bethany!

uh?.. what else.. oh, I know, work. Let’s just talk about work for a little bit. I think it’s interesting to note that I work for a pretty large company: Starbucks Coffee. And man, the past couple days at work, have been pretty goofy. The people I’ve been working with have just been getting under my skin. I’m not even sure why?!! It’s probably the fact that my boss is about to move to North Carolina and everyone is all getting nuts on me! I don’t know.. weird. ahh.. work will never change.

School is going good though.. I’ve been doing my best to stay on top of my reading and such, and things have been going well for me. I love this school it’s really really amazing.. but, I think I’m going to go now. I really have to get some English Comp. done right now, and it’s getting late.. so you kids have a good evening/morning ;)



February 7th, 2003 9:26PM

You know what’s funny? This photo says nothing about the mood I’m in. I’m in a great mood, but there is something about black and white that just gets me every time. A picture says a thousand words right. Well, this picture is saying all lies, cause seriously, I LOVE BEING ALIVE!!!! YEAH!!

Classes have been going great! I’m actually working like 3 weeks ahead on some of these books I have to read for my Youth Culture class. I love that class, it freakin’ rules. Seriously, it’s like all the cool Youth Ministry kids came to one class and are hanging out and talking about youth culture, I love it. My roommate and a bunch of my friends are taking it too, so that’s rockin’ and rollin’. uh?.. what else. I think about love a lot. I don’t know if it’s like love for a girl, or for God, or for my car, or something that’s material, but I think about it. I’m always thinking about things. Recently a friend pointed out that I always say stuff like “.. You know what’s weird.. ” and then I say something that I’ve been thinking about. It’s interesting, I do a lot of thinking. Which is a really good thing. I’m not just wasting my brain, I’m using it, and I’m thinking about things, even when they’re weird things, I’m still thinking. Think about it! :)

I don’t really know where that all came from, but I’m just typing. I’m listening to good music!! OH MAN! I almost forgot! So get this.. The other day at work I got a dollar bill that said “… follow me across the USA!!..” and I was like, ok?.. So I went to and it’s freakin’ great!! I typed in the serial number for my bill and stuff and I was the second person to do this certain dollar and the first person was some girl in Utah. Oh man, go there and check it out, it’s like my new favorite thing! I like it. ok, I’m done. bye.



January 30th, 2003 1:06PM

I’m sitting here in US History class and I decided that I was going to go ahead and make an update on my site. I found this picture and that it was interesting to see a side of me that sometimes you might not see unless you are actually watching me when I’m on live.

We’re discussing the influences of labor unions in early American history. It’s not that interesting, but I can handle it. By the time I get out of this class I will have completed my history requirements for college entirely during my freshman year. haha.. sorry, I just got off track, this kid in class is trying to name all these presidents from like 1845 to 1896. It’s good stuff. I’ve never heard of half these guys. We just clapped for him, that was really good. He got them all! wow.. anyways..

uh?.. I walked in to class late for this the first time because some friends and me went to Starbucks and got some coffee. haha.. coffee at 12:45 in the afternoon, I love it. Only in college.. I think?. never mind. But I finished my Iced, Grande, 2-Pump White Mocha (which I used to get a lot, but haven’t gotten in a very long time) and now I’m just sitting here.

On Saturday I’m going to be in a wedding. I wrote a song for my friend Jamie and now I’m playing it in her wedding this weekend. I think it will be good. My friend Stephen is going to play piano for me and I’m going to play guitar and I think it’s going to be good. I hope she likes it! CONGRATS JAMIE and STEVEN!!! (they’re so cute! :)

Ok, I think that’s about it for now, you kids enjoy yourselves! and SEND ME MORE EMAIL!!! ok bye.
