It’s seriously been an awesome weekend. I had the oppurtunity to lead music with a couple of guys from my church at our men’s retreat this weekend. Such a good time! It actually wasn’t just guys from my church that were there, but other baptist churches around southern California. I’d say there were about 80 guys total, and it was just fun to be around all the older men and just to glean some spiritual wisdom from them.
The place we went was pretty fun in that it was a ranch. So, being a city kid, it was exceptionally fun for me. Well, I guess the truth is that I’m not a city kid totally. I mean, I grew up with horses and stuff at my house. At times we even had pigs, lambs, and a cow (for a short time). But all that to say I think I kind of went the other way as far as the country stuff goes. I didn’t really get into the horseback riding and rodeo thing… anyways.. It was really just a short weekend trip that insisted of three sessions, shooting guns, and just hanging out with guys. Really was a great way to start spring break.
I’m looking forward to having this next week off. It will be good for me to just get some sleep and to be working a few extra hours. Got a lot of homework to catch up on and I’m hoping not to waste my time this week so that I can do what the Lord would have me to do! Hope you kids are doing well.. here’s some pics for you to check out from this weekend!
the cows were a highlight.
this peacock was kind of fun..
such a guy thing to do… the last time I shot a gun it basically broke my nose (I was five)
figured you needed a second shot of my manhood
what?.. what’s the problem?..
babies are fun..
saw this barn on the side of the road.. only, it was in water
3 replies on “It’s 7:07pm. Saturday Night. (Spring Break Has Started)”
man, that first picture… true emo style stands out in any setting. Hope Spring Break goes well for you, and who knows, maybe I’ll run into you Sherman.
those pics are sweet
hope spring break goes well
im on spring break officailly at 3:00PM on thursday
see ya on wednesday
so hot right now.