so.. I’m back at school, did I say that in a previous post?.. I’m not sure. I can’t remember. anyways. every year at the beginning of the second semester we have a conference that our school puts on. It’s a good time. We always have really good speakers and this years topic is called “Glorifying God.” If you want you can check it out at Truth and Life. This is a picture of my view from the bleachers in our gym. Don’t worry, that kid at the bottom isn’t a college student, he’s actually one of the junior high students that goes to my church. Him and his brother came to the conference and sat by me. Anyways, as I was sitting in my great (actually not so great) bleacher spot, I saw this woman across the way snoozing it up. It made me laugh. Anyways, I guess that’s enough about that. After that I skipped a mandatory financial aid meeting. Everyone that goes to those things realizes that it really doesn’t help. I have another chance to go tomorrow, so I might have to do that. School is coming too quickly.
I am not liking that one bit. I guess that all’s for now. I’m kind of sleepy and I have to go to a basketball game tonight. It’s not that I have to go, I just should go, because it’s going to be a good time. Two of my roommates are on the team.
oh yeah, one more thing. Remember to breathe.